“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! (1Cor 1:3)

We have entered the season of Epiphany, the season we celebrate the light that has come into the world, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I have recently been exploring the concept of “wintering.”  This concept takes it’s root in the nature of the seasons that God has created and looks at the seasons of our lives that call us to slow down, to rest, to renew, and to look to God for our source of strength. Although a season of “wintering’ can show up in our lives at any time, it speaks to me especially in this actual season of winter.  When the busyness and spiritual height of the Christmas season has passed and cold bitter days draw us indoors, I take solace in longer periods of darkness that give us more time to reflect on this gift of life that we’ve been given.  The concept of wintering is giving yourself permission to go at a slower pace, to ignore the outside world that says we must run at a faster pace, and to allow ourselves to not have a booked calender of events and “to do’s.”   Instead, seek out the God who loves us and cares for us with the presence of the light of Christ even through the wintering.

As we venture through the season of Epiphany, we begin with the reminder of our baptism and our new life in Christ Jesus, what a perfect start for our journey.  God’s glory through the revelation of Jesus will continue in the visit of the magi, the proclamation of Simeon, the teachings of Jesus himself, and a variety of miraculous holy events.  In this season of rest and renewal, let us consider how we are living into our own baptism and new life in Christ Jesus. 

May God fill us all with courage, strength and wisdom as we venture together into this new year seeking to follow Christ in all things. 


Peace in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Karla












































 Pastor Karla