“My refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I put my trust.” (Psalm 91:2)

  We have begun the season of Lent.  A time when we focus more intently on our relationship with Christ Jesus through prayer, fasting, and giving.  Our Lenten series explores what the scriptures for the season reveal to us about our needs, personally and communally.  Do you focus first on your own needs or on others’ needs? We typically assume that these are two distinct categories. Scripture shows us that from God’s perspective, our needs and the needs of our neighbor are similar and interconnected. God is not satisfied until everyone’s needs are met. 

Our series will help us to see our needs and the needs of our neighbors in the scriptures and then guide us into action so that all may have their needs met.  Our daily devotions and midweek healing prayer service will help us to look deeper at those needs and how we may be called to address those needs.  The needs we will focus on are embracing vulnerability, sleep, advocates, change, and beauty.  I hope that you can join us in the fellowship hall for these healing prayer services with the hopes to bring about emotional consolation, forgiveness, restoration, connection, and comfort for all of God’s creation.


We continue to need your support in the many ministries that we do here at St. John’s.  Some potential areas to get involved in are the garden crew, Vacation Bible School, Dinner Church project, worship planning team, home communion visitation, or any of the Sunday Worship roles.  God’s work is accomplished through the many hands and voices of our church family. 


May God fill us with “All We Need” this Lenten season as we journey toward Holy Week, the cross of Good Friday, and the celebration of the empty tomb of Easter morning. 



Pastor Karla












































 Pastor Karla